Born in Tehran, Iran, Gelareh Khoie is an artist, writer, scholar, and DJ. Her award-winning artwork has been widely exhibited in group and solo exhibitions. She has curated multi-media art exhibitions, creative arts and live music events, and she founded and operated a multi-media venue called thirtyninehotel in Honolulu.

She has lectured and taught courses in Jungian Psychology, Dream Analysis, Mythology, Fairytales, Religious Studies, and Spiritual Practice at College of Marin, Pacifica Extension, and in private tutorship. She holds a BFA in painting and art history from the San Francisco Art Institute and two MAs in depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is currently completing her doctoral dissertation.

In 2019, she began writing, recording, and publishing weekly sermons on her website, Disco Liberation Movement. The sermons are derived from oracular practices and explore topics related to depth psychology, specifically how the inherently religious dimensions of the psyche can be rescued and recovered to generate a healthier ego/Self dynamic.

In 2020, she founded Luminosity Mentoring, a private practice rooted in Jungian dream analysis as a pathway to authentic self-knowledge .

In 2023, she co-founded Kosmos Institute, a new online school dedicated to advanced studies in mythology, esotericism, and archetypes.